Photo Gallery
2024 Veteran's Day Dinner

Our 2024 Veteran's Day Pasta Dinner was a success! Thank you to all who purchased tickets and for coming. And a big thank you to all the people who organized and helped out with the event, we couldn't do it without you all! We had a wonderful day with many people stopping by for dinner. Part of the money raised will be donated to Camp Freedom!

*Camp Freedom is a nonprofit organization that provides outdoor adventures for disabled Veterans and First Responders, their family members, and Gold Star families including quality hunting, shooting sports, fishing, hiking, biking, and other year-round outdoor activities. These activities remove individuals from clinical settings into the healing environment of the outdoors and nature.

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Women's Brunch

The ladies from our church got together again to have a fall brunch. It was a beautiful day with good company and some delicious foods!

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New Catechumens

This past October Father Michael blessed 3 new catechumens to enter our church. Welcome George, Chris, and Neva! May God bless you and keep you on the start of your journey into Orthodoxy!


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Blessing of the Vehicles

Blessing of the Vehicles - 07/21/24

Today after liturgy all our parishioners and our priest Fr. Michael, went outside to have our vehicles blessed!
Vehicles are traditionally blessed on or near the Feast of St. Elijah (July 20th) who was taken up by God into the heavens in a fiery chariot. We are all accustomed to having our homes blessed around the Feast of Theophany, yet we also spend a great deal of time in OR on our vehicles traveling through town, on vacations, for work, and for recreation. This blessing is a request to Our Lord that He send a Guardian Angel to protect and keep both drivers and passengers in safety, and to bless our vehicles given to us by God for their good use.

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Proskomedia Class

Proskomedia Class - 07/21/24

One of the classes for catechumens in our church is learning about the "Proskomedia", which is the preparation of the offering of bread and wine. You can read more about it here. Father Michael held the class today before Liturgy and all catechumens were required to attend. Anyone else was also welcome to attend, it's a very informative class for a very important aspect of the Divine Liturgy!

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Summer Bowling Event 2024

Summer Bowling Event 2024 - 07/20/24

St. Michael's held a bowling event day for the youth of our church and others this past Saturday. Everyone that came had a great time! Kids and adults alike!

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Visit from Archbishop Mark and Tonsuring of Blaise Shepherd

Visit from Archbishop Mark and Tonsuring of Blaise Shepherd - 06/02/24

Today His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, came to visit us at our church! Parishioners were there early outside the church to greet him and welcome him to St. Michael's. We had a wonderful Divine Liturgy and he gave us a very meaningful sermon speaking of St. Photini, the woman at the well.

In addition the day was made even more special as our very own Blaise Shepherd was tonsured as a reader! Congratulations Blaise!

At the end of liturgy we sang Many Years to all those who had or have recent birthdays and anniversaries. May God Grant you all Many Years!

Afterwards, we all got together downstairs for our Agape meal to fellowship with one another. Many people brought delicious food, and the Parish Council presented Blaise with a cake to congratulate him, and also a small gift was given to Archbishop Mark on the occasion of his upcoming birthday!

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Blessing of the Graves

Blessing of the Graves - 05/26/24

After Divine Liturgy today our parish visited both of our cemeteries where Father Michael lead the blessing of the graves.

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Father Michael's Priesthood Ordainment Anniversary

Father Michael's Ordainment Anniversary - 05/26/24

6 years ago today our priest, Father Michael Shepherd was ordained to the priesthood. We celebrated after liturgy today during our Agape meal with some cake, good food brought by parishioners, and a card. Happy Anniversary Father Michael!

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Bright Monday

Bright Monday - 05/06/24

The Monday after Pascha we celebrated Bright Monday Liturgy with a fellowship breakfast afterwards at a local restaurant. We processed around the church outside and listened to Gospel readings at each of the corners.

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Holy Saturday, Baptism, Pascha 2024

Holy Saturday, Baptism, Pascha 2024 - 05/04/24

Holy Saturday started out early for our 3 soon to be baptized members of our church with Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great, the First Liturgy (Baptismal Liturgy) of Pascha. Congratulations to Jason, Santo, and Mikayla on their Baptism and Chrismation! May God grant you many years!

Later that night we celebrated a first midnight services all the way through to Pascha at our church; The Vigil of Pascha consisting of Midnight Office, the Resurrection (Rush) service, Paschal Orthros and Paschal Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom. CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN!

Faithful who were still awake joined us downstairs afterwards for an Agape meal!


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Holy Week 2024

Holy Week 2024 - 04/29/24

During this year's Holy Week each day of the week we celebrated Presanctified Liturgy at one of our sister churches nearby. On Monday was St. Michael's in Jermyn. Tuesday All Saint's in Olyphant. Wednesday at our church, St. Michael's in Old Forge. Thursday was Liturgy and the blessing of Holy Chrism at St. Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan. That evening there was a Holy Unction service at St. Nicholas' in Olyphant. Finally on Holy Friday at our church we celebrated The Great Royal Hours and Typika in the morning, Great Vespers & Procession of Plashchanitza at 3pm, and at 7pm Matins of Great & Holy Friday along with prayers said over our soon to be illumined catechumens!

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Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday - 04/27/24

In the morning we had Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom for Lazarus Saturday. Afterwards members of the parish stayed to help clean and decorate the church, as well as fold crosses and put together pussy willows and palms which were blessed at the end of Great Vespers. We had a beautiful liturgy the next day for Palm Sunday!

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Father Michael's 2 year Anniversary

Father Michael's 2 year Anniversary - 03/31/24

March 28, 2024, marked the 2 year anniversary that our priest, Father Michael Shepherd, has been assigned to our church. We're so grateful for his leadership and all the things he's been doing for us and our parish! Over the past couple years it has been growing into a wonderful church family community that we're so happy to be a part of! As a small gift of appreciation and thanks, the parish council gifted him with an icon of his patron saint, Archangel Michael, today at the end of liturgy as well as a cake downstairs during our Agape meal.

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Iconography Class with Susan Shiposki

Iconography Class with Susan Shiposki

For 6 weeks St. Michael's hosted an iconography class during Great Lent, taught by the iconographer Susan Shiposki. Many of our parishoners signed up and took part! It was a wonderful time learning about the process of iconography, and to fellowship with one another. Thank you Susan!

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Nerf 'N Pizza Youth Event

Nerf 'N Pizza - 03/09/24

A fun day for the youth of our church! The kids had a blast playing capture the flag, and other games with Nerf guns, enjoyed pizza & snacks for lunch, and even had a small devotional lesson given. Big thank you to Jason Hart of our parish for putting it all together, organizing, and hosting the event!

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Youth Talent Show & Saint Displays

Youth Talent Show & Saint Displays - 02/04/24

We all gathered together after liturgy in our church hall for food and a talent show! There was juggling, dancing, piano, guitar & drums, and even standup comedy. The youth of St. Michael's also presented their hand made display boards with pictures and stories about their patron saints.

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Wedding of Justin and Elizabeth

Wedding of Justin and Elizabeth - 01/08/24

Congratulations to Justin and Elizabeth on their wedding day! We wish you a long happy married life together, and may God grant you many years!

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St Nicholas Visit

St Nicholas Visit - 12/03/23

We had a wonderful day this past Sunday at St. Michael's! The church was decorated beautifully for the Nativity, and following liturgy we all gathered downstairs for the agape meal and time of fellowship, along with a visit from St. Nicholas!
Thanks to everyone who donated time and gifts to make this a special day for all!

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2023 Veterans Day Dinner

Veterans Day Pasta Dinner - 11/11/23

Our first annual Veterans Day Pasta Dinner was a great success! Thank you to all our volunteers who helped set up and serve food, bag take out orders, sell tickets, and donate beautiful gift baskets, gift cards, and desserts. It was a wonderful time seeing and talking to everyone both old and new. God Bless and thank you to our Veterans for your service!

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Women's Fall Brunch - 10/28/23

This past Saturday the ladies of our church enjoyed a Fall brunch together. It was a wonderful gathering filled with great food and fellowship! Thank you to Emily Hart for hosting us all, and to everyone who brought delicious food and joined us!

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Newly baptized and chrismated members

Our new family members - 06/25/23

On June 25th, 2023 the Hart Family was received into the Orthodox Church. May God grant Many Blessed Years to the Newly Illumined servants of God who received by Chrismation Joseph, Emilia, Jude, & Silas along with the handmaiden of God Hope on the day of her Baptism.....and their Godparents Fr. Michael Shepherd and Mat Emilia Shepherd. God Bless you all!
Welcome them to the Orthodox family of the faithful

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Holy Pentecost

Holy Pentecost - 06/12/22

Σ’πραζδνηκομ - Blessed feast of Pentecost with kneeling prayers! A joyous day for Michael Keklak became a catechumen!
Photos: courtesy of Fr Michael’s 10 year old son, Rodion

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DOEPA Clergy Continuous Education: Holy Unction

DOEPA Clergy Continuous Education: Holy Unction - 05/05/22

On Thursday, 5th of May, St Michaels Orthodox Church welcomed special guest speaker, Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk. Fr. Victor is a graduate of St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary ('99), and was raised in the former atheistic Soviet Union. He holds a Master of Science degree from the prestigious Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ('93). His talk entitled, “Unto the Healing of Soul and Body: The History and Theology of Holy Unction.”  was brought to the clergy of the diocese after many years of prayer and research in which it was enthusiastically received by all who were in attendance. Fr. Victor spent about 4 years researching the history, developement, and current practice of Holy Unction and used this knowledge as his thesis for his PH.d in Liturgics from Catholic University. 

The mystery of Holy Unction, as with the other sacraments of the Church, is a revelation of Christ's love for His creation. The service shows us that we do not act on our own from our own power. Rather, it is Christ who answers our pleas for help:

O Savior, who like incorruptible myrrh dost empty Thyself utterly in grace and purify the world, show divine mercy and bounty on the bodily wounds of him who in faith is about to receive Unction. (Troparion on Ode 4 of the Canon)

Thank you to Bev Elko and Marie Pasternak who came to help set up the lunch in support of our luncheon.  I would like to say thank you to Maria Augustine from Augustine's Club 17 ( who donated her world famous Old Forge Pizza for our luncheon! Thank you all!


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High School Graduation

High School Graduation - 06/27/21

Justin Willams and Jacob Anderson graduated High School.  Justin received a gift from the Church and Jacob will receive his gift later.

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Blessing of Graves

Blessing of Graves - 05/14/20

Due to the Pandemic with limited gatherings, the blessing of the graves took place without notification to the parish.  Over 1,500 graves were blessed in both Sibley and Minooka cemeteries.

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Visit from Bishop Mark

Visit from Bp. Mark - 05/23/21

Our church enjoyed a beautiful visit from His Eminence Archbishop Mark.  Danny Jones and Pat Jones received a Gramata for all their dedication and work on behalf of the church.

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Katia's High School Graduation

Katya's Graduation - 08/04/19

Katya graduated from high school and was given a spiritual book for her accomplishment.  She plans to attend Princeton University.

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First Confession

First Confession - 06/30/19

Michael and Mia were given a copy of the Divine Liturgy book in recognition of receiving their first confession.

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Post Office delivery of Food

Post Office delivery of food - 05/11/19

The U.S. Post Office collects food on the second Saturday of May and then distriubutes it to local Food Pantries.  St. Michael's Orthodox Food Pantry is one of those receipients and we are so greatful.  We received 5,405 lbs. this year and we are blessed to then distribute it to families in need in Old Forge, Duryea and Taylor.

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Baptism of David

Baptism of David - 03/09/19

A glorious day for David and his Family.

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Installation of Parish Council

Installation of Parish Council - 02/03/19

The installation of the Parish Council took place on Sunday, February 3, 2019

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Baptism of James

Baptism of James - 04/14/18

We welcome James into our Church

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Pascha 2018

Pascha - 04/08/18

Pascha Celebration

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Baptism of Abigail

Baptism of Abigail - 07/01/17

A special day for Abigail and her family.

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Baptism of Wren Elizabeth

Baptism of Wren Elizabeth - 03/18/17

A special day to celebrate the Baptism of Wren Elizabeth

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Bp. Mark serving

Bp. Mark serving - 03/05/17

His Eminence Arch Bishop Mark served Divine Liturgy at our Church.

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Installation of Parish Council

Installation of 2017 Parish Council - 01/22/17

His Eminance Arch Bishop Mark gave his blessing for the 2017 Parish Council members to serve.  The installation of the oath of office took place after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 22, 2017.

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125th Anniversary

St. Michael's 125th Anniversary - 11/06/16

St. Michael's Orthodox Church celebrated its 125th Anniversary.  His Eminence Arch Bishop Mark was unable to make it due to his mother passing away on Friday, November 4th.  Sandra Condon, Jean Wasko and Dorothy Polanchik were awarded a Gramata.  A catered meal was enjoyed by everyone in our Hall basement.

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Nina's Retirement

Nina's change from full time to part time Choir Director - 06/26/16

Nina changed her status from full time to part time Choir Director.  May God grant Nina many years.

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Jake Emily's Graduation

Jake Emily's Graduation - 06/12/16

Jake Emily graduated from Scrant Prep High School.  Jake was presented with an Orthodox Study Bible and he is planning to attend St. Joe' University.

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St. Thomas Sunday Easter Egg Hunt

St. Thomas Sunday Easter Egg Hunt - 05/08/16

An Easter Egg hunt was held after Divine Liturgy on St. Thomas Sunday.

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Pascha - Blessing of Baskets

Pascha - Blessing of Baskets - 05/01/16

A beautiful service of Pascha was celebrated following with the blessing of baskets.

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Baptism of Miroslav - 04/30/16

Miroslav was baptized into the Orthodox Church on Holy Saturday.  May God grant him many years.

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Bishop Mark's visit - 04/20/16

His Eminence Archbishop Mark celebrated Presanctified Liturgy with our church.

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Sunday School Presentation on their Patron Saint

Sunday School Presentation of their Patron Saint - 02/21/16

The Sunday School students gave a short presentation to the church at the end of Divine Liturgy on their Patron Saint.  Each of the students made an icon of their Patron Saint.

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OCMC Missionary Archimandrite Fr. Juvenaly Repass visit

OCMC Missionary Archimandrite Fr. Juvenaly Repass - 12/20/15

OCMC Missionary Archimandrite Fr. Juvenaly Repass came to our church to help raise funds for this trip to Guatemala.  Fr. Juvenaly taught Sunday school and he also informed us of his plans to Guatemala.  We were blessed to have Fr. Juvenaly spend the weekend with us.

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Fr. Theodore Orzolek's 50th anniversary to the Priesthood

Fr. Theodore Orzolek's 50th anniversary to the Priesthood - 12/19/15

A Molieben was served on behalf of Fr. Theodore Orzolek's 50th anniversary to the priesthood.  A luncheon followed at Arcaro and Genell.  May God grant Fr. Theodore many years.

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Bp. Mark's Visit

Bp. Mark's Visit - 11/01/15

St. Michael's Church graciously welcomed His Eminence Arch Bishop Mark to celebrate Divine Liturgy and for fellowship.  His Eminence awarded a Gramata to John and Irene Pritchyk, Al Pritchyk and Al Horek for their many years of service to the church.

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Church Yard Sale

Church Yard Sale - 09/26/15

Our Church Yard Sale was a success.  Many people enjoyed the shopping, food and desserts.

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Church School Blessing

Church School Blessing - 09/06/15

Sunday School started today and there was a molieben for the teachers and students after Divine Liturgy.

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Blessing of new vestments and lampadas

Blessing of new vestments and lampadas - 07/05/15

Al Horek donated the two Lampadas in memory of Marie Horek.  Martha Matechak donated the gold vestments in memory of Ned Matechak.

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St. Thomas Sunday

St. Thomas Sunday - 04/19/15

Easter egg hunt.  Nancy Jurnack moving.  Blessing of over 1,500 graves.

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Pascha - 04/12/15

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Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday - 04/11/15

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Good Friday

Holy Friday - 04/17/15

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Fr. Steven Votovich visit

Fr. Steven Votovich, dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary visits our Church with Miracle working icon of St. Anna - 02/01/15

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Church Yard Sale

Church Yard Sale - 09/27/14

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Fr. Peter's 9th Anniversary to the priesthood and John's birthday

Fr. Peter's 9th Anniversary to the Priesthood and John's birthday - 09/24/14

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Children's First Confession

First Confession - 07/27/14

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Bp. Mark's visit

Bishop Mark's visit - 05/25/14

Bp. Mark visited our Church with Deacon Gabriel for Divine Liturgy and a pot luck meal.  We were blessed by his visit.

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Dr. Eli Stavisky - Honorary Doctorate

Dr. Eli Stavisky received Honorary Doctorate from St. Tikhon's Seminary - 05/24/14

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Church Easter Egg Hunt

Church Easter Egg Hunt - 05/04/14

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Pascha - 04/20/14

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Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday Liturgy and Baptism - 04/19/14

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Holy Friday

Holy Friday - 04/18/14

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Mission Vespers

Mission Vespers - 03/30/14

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Blessing of the Parish Council

Blessing of the Parish Council - 03/30/14

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Upcoming Calendar
  • Sun

    Sunday of Last Judgement - Meatfare Sunday
    9:10 The Hours
    9:30 9:30 Divine Liturgy followed by fellowship and classes
  • Wed

    11:00AM-1:00pm Silent Pray
  • Thu

    Diocesan Pre Lenten Retreat

What is the Orthodox Church?

“The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman.
It is not denominational, it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for the
Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago.”
– Our Life in Christ

The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

Learn More >

St. Michael Orthodox Church is part of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, which is presided over by The Most Reverend Mark (Maymon), Archbishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania. Our mission is bringing the joy of Christ's resurrection to those who have never heard the Good News, and to strengthen and encourage the faithful who reside within Old Forge and the local area. 

More Information >

The Holy Scripture is a collection of books written over multiple centuries by those inspired by God to do so. It is the primary witness to the Orthodox Christian faith, within Holy Tradition and often described as its highest point. It was written by the prophets and apostles in human language, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and collected, edited, and canonized by the Church.

Daily Readings >

Holiness or sainthood is a gift (charisma) given by God to man, through the Holy Spirit. Man's effort to become a participant in the life of divine holiness is indispensable, but sanctification itself is the work of the Holy Trinity, especially through the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ, who was incarnate, suffered crucifixion, and rose from the dead, in order to lead us to the life of holiness, through the communion with the Holy Spirit.

Today's Saints >

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