DOEPA Clergy Continuous Education: Holy Unction - 05/05/22

On Thursday, 5th of May, St Michaels Orthodox Church welcomed special guest speaker, Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk. Fr. Victor is a graduate of St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Seminary ('99), and was raised in the former atheistic Soviet Union. He holds a Master of Science degree from the prestigious Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ('93). His talk entitled, “Unto the Healing of Soul and Body: The History and Theology of Holy Unction.”  was brought to the clergy of the diocese after many years of prayer and research in which it was enthusiastically received by all who were in attendance. Fr. Victor spent about 4 years researching the history, developement, and current practice of Holy Unction and used this knowledge as his thesis for his PH.d in Liturgics from Catholic University. 

The mystery of Holy Unction, as with the other sacraments of the Church, is a revelation of Christ's love for His creation. The service shows us that we do not act on our own from our own power. Rather, it is Christ who answers our pleas for help:

O Savior, who like incorruptible myrrh dost empty Thyself utterly in grace and purify the world, show divine mercy and bounty on the bodily wounds of him who in faith is about to receive Unction. (Troparion on Ode 4 of the Canon)

Thank you to Bev Elko and Marie Pasternak who came to help set up the lunch in support of our luncheon.  I would like to say thank you to Maria Augustine from Augustine's Club 17 ( who donated her world famous Old Forge Pizza for our luncheon! Thank you all!