For first time visitors to our site, and to STMOC (St Michaels Orthodox Church), we welcome you! We have plenty of parking, and a place for you.
STMOC Church is a growing group of friends and neighbors from all over the NEPA and Old Forge, PA who have two things in common: a love for God and a passion to serve our community. We hope that no matter where you are with God, you will find STMOC to be the best place to take your next step. Show up this weekend. We would love to meet you!
To start with, we want you to know at least this much:
- Relax, and enjoy your visit. Dress comfortably and modestly. No special protective equipment is required. No one is judging you.
- We will not do anything that will make you uncomfortable or embarrass you.
- We will not ask you to give money – we don’t expect visitors to contribute anything to the financial support of our parish or our programs. That is the privilege of parishoners.
- Our children worship with us. If you have young children, they are welcome here, too. If you need to step to the back of the Church with your child for any reason, you are not disturbing us. We expect children to be raised in the Church and to accomplish that, they have to be IN THE CHURCH. Remember, if the babies ain’t cryin’, the church is dyin’. We have a "Cry Room" in the Narthex for mothers if it is needed.
- All of our facilities are handicap accessible. If you need any assistance at all, please let us know. We are here to be of service to you.
If you are an Orthodox Christian, and you have prepared yourself to receive Holy Communion according to your Spiritual Father’s direction, be sure to introduce yourself to our priest before the service. Once you have informed the priest of your status, you are welcome to approach the chalice.
We are part of the worldwide Orthodox Church – the oldest Christian Church in the world.
1:00pm Silent Pray
4:00PM Confession
5:00PM Presanctified LiturgyThu
13Mar6:00 PM House BlessingFri
14Mar5:00 Panikhida